Monday, 1 August 2011

Lee White Design - Placement

Worked several days a week over a few months on various live jobs, and designed some pieces for the promotion of the business itself.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

MCR (for Transmission) - Placement

Myself & a course colleague undertook a project for Transmission Creative in Manchester. The client was North Manchester FM, a not-for-profit community radio station run entirely by volunteers, looking to lose the negative stereotypes normally attached to community radio, by completely rebranding the station.

We were involved in the initial meeting with the client to discuss what the station was all about, & to find out what they were ideally looking for in their new identity. We worked closely with Transmission to come up with a new, catchier name for the station, & then ultimately chose 3 directions to take for the new logo.

MCR 106.6 FM
- the commonly used acronym for Manchester
- MCR106.6 FM already being used on digital displays
- acronym can also stand for Manchester Community Radio

We each worked on different ideas for the themes of Freedom, Diversity & Character - from very basic sketches right up to finished pieces. Unfortunately, client feedback was very limited throughout, & due to the timescale & financial limits of our time there (as a voluntary project during term time), we were unable to proceed on to the promotional side of the project.

Transmission now inform us that the client may be significantly delaying or even dismissing the rebranding altogether - so we are free to post this work as a 'proposal' or 'pitch'. & hey, if anything does ever come of it, you saw (some of it) here first!

please bear in mind this is pretty much the first logo work I ever did & it took me some time to grasp...

the freedom stuff I did (below) was too scriptive or restricted, the character one maybe a bit too literal, and that little diversity one not diverse enough!

In the end, I designed the diversity logo - based on the idea of the different character's fonts being the different personalities the station brought together. However our given restrictions were 'no rainbows, not pink, no uniform boxes', & obviously the final logos had to work in black & white as well, so some alterations had to be made...

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Year Two - Part Six

At the end of 2nd year we were buddied up with 3rd years to interview about their experience at uni, and help with their degree show. Lily is a self-confessed type geek and I can only hope I did her some justice!

Year Two - Part Five

Year Two - Part Four

Year Two - Part Three

Year Two - Part Two

Year Two - Part One